A Century in Waiting: Canton's 1925 Time Capsule Prepares for Public Display

By: Forgottonia Times™ Report

After resting undisturbed for nearly a century, Canton's long-awaited centennial time capsule, originally sealed during the city's 1925 centennial celebrations, is set to make its journey into the present. The historic capsule, meticulously assembled and intended for unveiling during Canton's bicentennial in 2025, has been safeguarded at the Parlin-Ingersoll Library for decades.

Scheduled for public display starting July 19th, 10:00 a.m., at MidAmerica National Bank, the time capsule will remain on view until its grand unveiling in June 2025, coinciding with Canton's bicentennial festivities. The exact date for the capsule's opening will be announced closer to the event.

Residents and history enthusiasts alike are cordially invited to witness the ceremonial transfer of the time capsule from Parlin-Ingersoll Library to MidAmerica National Bank on July 19th. This event marks a significant milestone in Canton's rich history, promising a glimpse into the past as the community eagerly anticipates the capsule's eventual unveiling.


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