Harper Hess of B-PC FFA: A Showstopper at the Illinois State Fair

By: Forgottonia Times™ Report

Bushnell-Prairie City High School's FFA program has another reason to celebrate this summer, thanks to the remarkable achievements of one of its members, Harper Hess. Hess showcased her skill and dedication at the 2024 Illinois State Fair Livestock Show.

Hess' wether goat, an adult male that has been castrated to prevent breeding, was selected as the Reserve Grand Champion in the prestigious Land of Lincoln Wether category. "Presenting my wether, I was very nervous. After working all summer long every single day, you only have a couple off minutes to prove it!" she shared. This impressive honor means that Hess' wether was soon after featured in the highly anticipated Sale of Champions on August 14th, a highlight of the fair that showcases the top animals and their handlers from across the state.

In addition to this outstanding achievement, Hess also demonstrated exceptional talent in showmanship. Competing in both the Breeding and Market Goat divisions, Hess was selected as the Intermediate Showmanship Winner in both categories. Showmanship is a challenging event that tests not only the quality of the animal but also the handler's ability to present it effectively to the judges.

These accomplishments are a testament to Hess' hard work, expertise, and passion for agriculture. The Bushnell-Prairie City community and the FFA program are incredibly proud of Harper's success and look forward to seeing what the future holds for this talented young farmer. When asked to reflect on the competition, she shared, "Looking back to it, I feel very proud that our herds' genetics could compete like that at a very competitive Midwest state fair!" Great job, Harper! We look forward to next year!


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