B-PC Students Captivate Busch Stadium with Seventh-Inning Stretch Tradition

By: Forgottonia Times™ Report

On Saturday, July 13th, several students from Bushnell-Prairie City Schools had the thrilling opportunity to sing at the Cubs/Cardinals game at Busch Stadium. The group, which included elementary, middle, and high school students, performed the classic "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" during the seventh inning stretch, directed by their dedicated music teacher, Andrea Ferguson.

The students made a striking appearance on the field, proudly wearing red, white, and blue, Cardinal or Cubs gear, or B-PC gear. Their spirited performance was met with enthusiastic applause from the audience, showcasing their hard work and musical talent.

Parents and other Bushnell-Prairie City teachers filled the stands, having purchased tickets to support the students. The strong turnout from the school community highlighted their commitment to encouraging and celebrating the achievements of their young performers.

The event was a memorable occasion for the students, their families, and the entire Bushnell-Prairie City community, creating a lasting memory of unity and pride.


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