Vallillo to Perform New Album “Forgottonia”

By: Forgottonia Times™ Report

Take part in another celebration of Forgottonia with a captivating evening led by acclaimed singer-songwriter Chris Vallillo, who will perform his new album “Forgottonia” live at Browne Hall Theatre in Macomb on Saturday, July 20th, from 7-9 PM. This special concert promises to be an unforgettable experience, celebrating the rich cultural heritage of our beloved region, Forgottonia.

Chris Vallillo's latest album takes a heartfelt journey through the history and stories of Forgottonia. His songs vividly capture our community's spirit, resilience, and unique charm, breathing life into the tales of those who lived through that era. Vallillo's music is not just a tribute to the past; it's a bridge to the present, connecting generations and highlighting the enduring significance of Forgottonia. His melodies, filled with authentic narratives and soulful rhythms, resonate deeply with anyone who calls this place home.

With a background deeply rooted in the musical traditions of rural America, Vallillo is known for his masterful storytelling. His work has earned him recognition and accolades, including an Illinois Humanities Council Rural Initiative Grant, which he used to develop his show Forgottonia, with original music and photography by Tim Schroll. 

As the Forgottonia Times, we are thrilled to have this concert in our area. We believe in the power of storytelling, whether through the written word or music, to celebrate and preserve our heritage. Join us at the concert to experience the music of Chris Vallillo and to be a part of a community that treasures its history and looks forward to a vibrant future. Let's come together to honor Forgottonia, its stories, and its people!


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Forgottonia's Forgotten Beginnings: The Military Tract and the Rise of Railroads