Farmington Prepares for Exciting Summer Basketball Camp

By: Forgottonia Times™ Report

FARMINGTON, IL—As summer approaches, young athletes in Farmington have an exciting opportunity to sharpen their skills and engage in the beloved game of basketball. The Farmington Community Center will host the USA Basketball Camp, a series of sessions designed to cater to different age groups and provide a structured environment for children to learn and develop their athletic abilities.

The camp will occur every Saturday from June 8 to July 27, with sessions tailored for various age brackets. The youngest group, ages 6-9, will have their session from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. The next age group, 10-13, will practice from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The oldest participants, ages 14-17, will be on the court from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Each session promises a blend of skill development, physical activity, and fun, all under the guidance of experienced coaches.

Farmington Community Center, located at 88 Fremont Street, is well-equipped to host the camp. The gymnasium is air-conditioned, ensuring a comfortable environment for all participants, and the facility includes bathrooms and a water bottle filling station to keep the young athletes hydrated and ready to play.

The camp registration process requires parents to complete a form and a waiver with the USA Open Court. These documents are available online and can be accessed via the Farmington Community Center’s email or through the USA Basketball website.

This summer camp aims to improve the participants' basketball abilities. It fosters teamwork, discipline, and a love for the game, making it a worthwhile experience for young athletes in the community.




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