Unveiling History: Abingdon Historical Museum Grand Opening

By: Forgottonia Times™ Report

The Abingdon Historical Society is excited to announce the Grand Opening of its newest museum on September 14th. The celebration will coincide with the Road Knights Car Show, offering visitors a perfect blend of history and horsepower. The ribbon-cutting ceremony is scheduled for 4:30 PM at the side door of the new building, located at 113 S. Main in Abingdon.

The journey of the Abingdon Historical Society began in 1997 when a group of dedicated founders recognized the need to preserve the town's rich history. The new museum is a testament to the community's commitment to preserving local heritage and evidence of the 25 years of service from past president Jim Davis, who stepped down earlier this month. Inside, visitors will find an array of exhibits, from Hedding College memorabilia to Abingdon Pottery, mouse traps made in town, and military relics that honor the service of Abingdon's residents. Each piece offers a glimpse into the town's storied past, inviting visitors to explore and connect with the history that shaped their community.

Join us for this momentous occasion, learn about the town's history, and be inspired to contribute to its future!


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