Warren County Sheriff Attends United West Elementary Family Fun Night

By: Forgottonia Times Report

MONMOUTH, Ill. — The parking lot of United West Elementary School buzzed with excitement on Friday evening as Warren County Sheriff deputies participated in the school’s Family Fun Night. This event, designed to bring the community together, provided an evening of fun and engagement for families.

Children were given the chance to sit inside and explore the vehicles. Deputies from the Warren County Sheriff’s Department were on hand to answer questions and display various pieces of equipment used in their daily duties. Other first responders, including firefighters and paramedics, also participated in the event, bringing their own vehicles and equipment for the children to explore.

The Family Fun Night at United West Elementary offered an opportunity for children and parents to interact with local law enforcement in a positive and engaging environment, fostering a sense of community and trust. For the Warren County Sheriff’s Department, the night was a chance to strengthen their connection with the community and demonstrate their commitment to serving and protecting its members.


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