City of Galesburg recommends $115,000 in external agency funding

By: Forgottonia Times™ Report

Galesburg, Ill. - Galesburg aldermen met Monday regarding the allocation of $115,000 in funding to various external agencies for fiscal year 2024. The meeting, held at City Hall, addressed the 27 funding applications submitted, totaling $247,806 in requests.

City Manager Eric Hanson and the Administrative Services Manager have recommended that the aldermen prioritize projects that align with established criteria while staying within the 2024 budget. Their recommendations were based on a comprehensive review by a staff committee, which assessed the community impact and several specific factors for each proposal:

- Attracting out-of-town visitors for a day or overnight

- Enhancing the quality of life for residents

- Providing economic benefits to the community

- Offering events or services to underserved populations

The funding, which will be awarded on a reimbursement basis, hinges on the successful completion of the events or services as detailed in the grant applications. This ensures accountability and alignment with the city's objectives.

The agenda item assures that the recommended funding levels meet or exceed those of previous years for all agencies that have previously participated in this process. Any remaining funds will be allocated to support the city's warming shelter program.


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